Monday, July 03, 2006

Beaches and the Haircut

Nothing interesting happened today! I'll be working this week at the Bookroom and promoting events. Today though, what happened for me was that I went to get my haircut, the first in over a month and it feels great to be light! I went to the Vietnamese side of town, which was interesting. I noticed though that beside the barbershop, there was a Vietnamese restaurant which had some interesting things in it. What was most interesting about this Vietnamese restaurant were the owners! The owners were not Vietnamese, they didn't even come from anywhere near Vietnam, China, Korea, Laos, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, Singapore or anywhere around those areas. The two owners were Iranian! They were standing outside and speaking in Farsi which I could understand. A fellow from one of the mentioned areas (I don't wanna discriminate) came and asked one of them how the food was to which he replied "It is perfect"!

After that little episode, I drove myself around town, went to the Danforth, and then making a few twists and turns, ended up at Woodbine Beach. I found a parking spot (Which was quite hard to do), walked to the beach and started skipping rocks while children and sunlovers were enjoying themselves. I was dying to go commando just once in the water but saw children running around, and the water was too cold to do that as well. After about 15 minutes, I jumped into my car and gunned the engine back to Etobicoke. A fun day, but I'm starting class tomorrow as well *cry*


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