Monday, April 07, 2008

Oh the satisfaction!

Well, I was reading today about insurance. Not sure why, just stumbled upon it. I noticed something about what insurance really was: a safety net that would make good on a total loss.

So basically, that means that small claims that are below the deductible should not necessarily be reported since it means that you will have higher rates, even if you weren't at fault.

This goes right to the issue that happened almost a year ago with two South Asian scammers whose names won't be mentioned. If they were going to the insurance company to make a claim to get money, boy are they stupid! To recap, there was a rear-ending on the highway which hardly made a scratch, but the female of the two scammers claimed that all the rust and decay on her jalopy were a result of this touch. There was no dent, no scratch, nothing to give evidence that the vehicles had even touched, but the woman and her male went to the collision reporting centre in the hopes that they could make a big payday, and accusing me of being the driver (and dare I say, made a huge deal out of it that even the police officers were laughing about this!)!

Anyhow, after seeing that small claims, even if they aren't your fault are reported, then your rates do go up because insurance is supposed to cover for a loss, not a nuisance. If insurance covered me for nuisances, I would have gone to my broker and would ask him to insure me against this woman and man! Anyhow, the insurance company had an accident forgiveness thingy, and even they didn't use that because there was no police report written on the scene, so it's like this didn't even happen. But, Mr. and Ms. We-think-insurance-gives-us-money have their rates increasing! Oh how satisfying that the victim-turned-villain gets their due!


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