Clunkity clunk - and I'm on the floor!
I'm sure you've heard of them in some form or other. They claim to speak the "truth", but can't seem to agree on it. For every one of them, the "truth" is what only each individual, and not the collective, believe. I'm not talking about religious fundamentalists, I'm talking about 9/11 deniers. One says space beams, the other says potato! A confused group of mainly early teenagers and some ex-professors, none of which are in the proper fields to be making these kinds of analyses, preach that the attacks of 9/11 were an inside job, created by the US government.
Of course, I have no interest in debunking them, there are a lot of engineers and people who are qualified to take care of them. As a life science student, I can only comment on the G-forces that the human body can withstand, so I'm not qualified to be discussing the collapse of the WTC buildings.
However, even though I'm not an engineer, I can certainly tell when an argument is so stupid that not even engineers will look at it. Below is a clip of Sofia Shafquat, the narrator of one of the many tired out internet films about that day, "9/11 Mysteries". She uses the most peculiar argument I have ever seen to get the word out:
Now, I'm not sure what to say. Obviously, buildings don't speak English when they fall and I certainly know that they don't say "Clunkity clunk"! Apart from the mind-numbing stupidity that made it onto the History Channel, there is also the fact that the building was not hit at the very top and therefore, wouldn't be going "clunkity clunk" 110 times. I'm not going to debunk what Sofia said, since she's already done that, but I would just like to highlight how crazy and stupid the conspiradroids get when they realize that they're running out of ammo...
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