Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Never forget, never repeat.

I was shocked in learning that yesterday, a shooting happened at a university in Virginia. It turned out that it was a South Korean international student majoring in English named Cho Seung-Hui. My current feelings are of sadness and anger. Sadness that 33 people died, anger that it had to be at a university, of all the places in the world. As a student, this affected me because something like this could have happened at U of T, and U of T is just as large as Virginia Tech, according to the map that is available. I'm usually at all places within the university since I know a lot of people, and I have classes in different buildings all over campus. Unlike other science students, I'm not limited to one corner of the campus.

However, it is unfortunate that in an "in your face" society, we are desensitized to death, shootings and killings that we hear in the media. I don't feel desensitized though. I can't take death very well, and I can't take people who kill other people. Maybe it's just me.


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