I know what I want to be when I grow up, if I grow up!
I've been reading and hearing the news of celebrities going wild all over the place, mainly Hollywood. It mainly has to do with a lack of education and having a lot of money and, sadly, power. The reason I say that the problem with the current trend of having celebrities shave their heads, say that 9/11 was an inside job, have substance and alcoholic abuse as well as voting Democrat (Kidding!) is because they lack a proper education, or a high school diploma in some cases. There are celebrities who are educated such as Owen Wilson, who attended the University of Texas at Austin and Rachel McAdams who attended, sigh, York. The interesting thing is, you really don't hear about celebrities who have some formal education in the tabloids and they put on some really stellar acts, and some mediocre ones at times.
There is Britney Spears, who recently shaved her head, with my assumption of her being an attention whore, as well as being a regular whore. Nothing about education, and she is depressed as hell, at least currently (I'm sure People magazine knows). Anna Nicole Smith dropped out of high school in Grade 11 and is now deceased taking her spot next to Marilyn Monroe, who happened to die at a young age as well. There is speculation of prescription drug overdoses. I'm sure that if you had at least a high school education, you wouldn't have died because you would've known what the drug would do, or would've at least listened to the doctor who prescribed it to you or the pharmacist who filled out your prescription.
My point is that education doesn't end when you toss your mortarboard after the valedictorian has given his/her speech, you are given the training to go out into the world and make your decisions based on the skills you have been taught in school to critically think about what is coming next.
Finally, the title says what I want to be when I grow up. Wanna know? I was thinking that since there are more uneducated, or stupid celebrities, who lavish attention in any form, I would like to be a therapist or psychiatrist in Hollywood. So many dysfunctional celebrities, KA CHING!!!
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