Monday, February 12, 2007

Guys distributing black history booklets. Are they a scam?

Now, I don't know if this is legit or not, but there are times when I'm wondering whether or not these people are doing it for the promotion of black history or to make a little extra money on the side. I don't know if you're familiar or not, but there are these people that hand out the booklets near the subway and ask if you could make a "donation". Once, I took a booklet and then the guy demanded that I GIVE a donation to the cause of black history month, and this was July 2005! Since I was in a bit of a tight spot and in the downtown core, I wasn't willing to let this guy get on my nerves so I gave him a loonie, since it was all the change I had at the time, but then he was saying that I give him a toonie! I said I couldn't help him out and then just went into the nearest store because I was starting to get intimidated by him.

That night, I decided to look at the booklet I was given for some light reading. One of the facts about black history was the fact that Jesus was a black man. That can be disputed, but, this organization, whoever they may be, took a speculation and put it as fact. I can't remember all the facts, but there were maybe 2 out of the top 10 facts that could be correct. I'm not a history major, but I am educated to know that when you take speculation and put it as fact, then you're asking for trouble. If I were a black kid growing up in the inner city and read this, I would be joining a gang and doing other things to oppose the oppressive forces of the white man, fantasized oppression. It would probably land me in worse things and maybe even crime.

Another time, I ran into another one of these people and he offered me a book and wanted a "donation". I asked him where the money went. He hemmed and hawed but never gave me a straight answer. I asked him if they had tax receipts so I could claim my "donation" on my income tax. He said he didn't have one but never said why. I asked if they had a website where I could consult and see a little more info about his organization. He said that the information in the booklet was all out on the web. Clearly, I wasn't interested in the information in the booklet because I had already seen it, but the information on their organization had me wondering what type of people would hand out booklets and then demand a donation from people. I got into an argument with one of them handing out booklets another time while walking out of the subway station. I had refused their book because I was running late, but then he shouts that I'm a racist. I was outraged at this. I go over to him and when in close proximity with him, so not to cause a scene, this happens:
Me: Please tell me how I am a racist for not accepting your booklet, which I already have.
Guy: You didn't give us a donation to our cause (That's paraphrasing what he said)
Me: I have the freedom to give "donations" to whomever I want. The fact that I don't give a donation to you guys doesn't make me a racist. Maybe I'm poor and have nothing and am living on welfare, you don't know that. You can't label me a racist through a three second encounter.
Guy: Umm... Hey sister, we're spreading black history, please take a booklet and we would like a donation.
If I had time, I would've loved to continue with this fellow, but I was seriously running late and I had to run.

I would think that people, oppressed people especially, would want to get their message out at any cost, but I think that these people that hand out booklets and then demand a "donation" are simply scam artists. I believe that they try pulling at our hearts and make us feel pity for them, so we take a book, and then they demand a "donation", and when you say you don't have any money, they would want their booklet back, which I think is just stupid. Naturally, I don't believe that all blacks are like this. Many of them (and by many, I mean 99% of them) are decent, hardworking and friendly people. The gangsta rapper types that I know are really nice people as well, and sometimes they have some very good freestyling skills. It's just that the media hasn't painted a nice picture of these people and we still live with this prejudice. It's scams like these that pull at our heart and have us say "well, I'm going to go against what the media says and I'll show them I care by opening my wallet or purse." There are other ways of showing you're on their side rather than a financial donation. I hope I didn't come off too much of a self righteous idiot...


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