Reflections on my past, and dreams of my future...

I was busy procrastinating today, and I wanted to check my e-mail, so I click on Firefox to open, and since I have my homepage set to a random Wikipedia page, it would teach me something new and interesting. When I opened up Firefox today, the random Wikipedia page that came up was about the Concorde airliner. In an instant I remembered the time I was a kid and would get anything related to airplanes, especially the Concorde. As a child, I would look forward to a trip every time simply because we were flying there. I didn't care if we were going to Iran, London, LA, or anywhere in the world, all that mattered was that we were flying there. Everytime before a trip, I would ask my parents what type of plane we were flying on, what type of engines it had, and how many people it could accomodate. I knew how far a Pratt & Whitney engine would go before it needed maintenance vs. a Rolls Royce engine among other things. Needless to say, I gave my parents a headache for all that information!
With my "technical" knowledge of airplanes, I had dreams of becoming a pilot, and the plane that I always wanted to pilot was the Concorde. It was such a big plane, for a person my size, and it would go so fast, past the speed of sound (I can't remember exactly how fast, but I used to). Everytime we arrived in London, I would ask the information people if the Concorde was there so I could see, and I was always disappointed to learn that it wasn't. Now that I'm going to London for the umpteenth time in a few weeks time, I could re-create my childhood and ask the information people if the Concorde is there, I don't think I will be disappointed this time!
I had big dreams as a kid, and they involved designing race cars and piloting a Concorde were the ones, which would be the most satisfying of dreams. Unfortunately, I grew up. My childhood dreams left me and I entered the "I'm being judged by my peers" mindset. I am now 20, and I am out of the insecurity of being a teenager. My childhood dreams are coming up bit by bit, albeit, a little more realistic now. I won't be able to be a pilot for the Concorde, but I can be an amateur pilot. I won't be able to design race cars, but I can contribute. It's only a matter of time, just time.

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