All Those Billions to Start a Record Company?
I was reading the news, doing my regular reminiscing, and this story has taken the metaphorical cake! Charles Ray Fuller of Fort Worth, Texas went into a bank to try and CASH, that's right, CASH a check from his girlfriend's mother for $360,000,000,000. In case numbers aren't your forte, that's $360 billion, that's right BILLION!

As well, $360 billion to start a record company? Why? With that kind of money, just buy an island in the South Seas, live out the rest of your life. If you're a little down on money, just rent it out for a few million per day with some A-list celebrity. But for a record company, come on.
Finally, another blogger by the name of Ed Shull has said that since Charles Ray Fuller was a black person, the teller had to call his girlfriend's mother to see if they can cash a check of that amount, thus equalling racial profiling. Ed is an idiot. He claims that because he was black and had a huge check, then he must have been a criminal. Ed, whenever any teller who was cashing a check for a huge amount, and would like to keep their job, would call up the person who issued the check to confirm that the check was legitimate. My parents gave me a check for $2000 for my 20th birthday, and when I went to deposit it, the teller called my mom up to make sure it was legit, and I'm her son! This teller made an effort to ensure that the check was legitimate so don't try to play the race card on this person. Black person with a huge check doesn't equal criminal, but since it was a forgery, this guy has a criminal record now.
Apart from that, an hilarious story to read, and just added to my procrastination. Finally, a little message for Chuckie Ray:
If I had $360 billion, I would've bought an F1 team, not a record company!
Maybe I was being sarcastic about calling you a moron wrt to racial profiling...
Anyhow, thanks for showing your intellectual weakness by lashing back at a small time blogger.
8:56 PM
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