Wednesday, July 08, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: Former Iraqi Information Minister joins Iranian Government

TEHRAN - After a disputed election which rocked the Iranian nation and its government to its very core through bloodshed and protest, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, under the blessing of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has appointed a Minister of Information and Propaganda to his Council of Ministers - former Iraqi Information Minister Mohammad Saeed al-Sahhaf.

"It is not at all an unusual move" said Mr. Ahmadinejad in a press conference that was only attended by pro-government journalists since all foreign journalists and government critics were deported or jailed; "Mr. al-Sahhaf has shown his courage and dedication to his government even under fire... its not like he was running through a red light or acted like a soccer hooligan when he was arrested by the infidel Americans."

"I would like to also add that he is a Shia Muslim so he belongs with us in Iran" added Mr. Ahmadinejad later on.

Al-Sahhaf was previously the Information Minister of Iraq and rose to popularity in the buildup to the 2003 war with his often comical rhetoric of being very optimistic and even delivering such memorable lines as "there are no American infidels in Baghdad" when only a few blocks away from a convoy of American-led tanks.

He was briefly an icon of popular culture and had gained the moniker "comical ali" with websites dedicated to him such as We Love the Iraqi Information Minister

The former minister was captured shortly after the invasion of Iraq was completed but released since he did not have any information that would have led to the capture of the higher ups in the government of Saddam Hussein nor was he ever a wanted man to begin with. He has lived with his family in the United Arab Emirates until this appointment.

"Let me assure everyone that I will report the truth and only the truth to the people of Iran" said Mr. al-Sahhaf during the press conference, "my aim is to show that this very legitimate Iranian government is as transparent and stable as any other government in the world."

The former Iraqi Information Minister has used his "let me assure" rhetoric before to tell reporters the Iraqi government's very optimistic information of destroying Americans during the war and as a result, a small chuckle emanated from the audience of journalists, with Mr. Ahmadinejad looking rather puzzled.

With his appointment, the number of members in the Council of Ministers within the Iranian government is now 22, but many critics outside Iran argue that Mr. al-Sahhaf's limited knowledge of Farsi - the main language of Iran - will be a big obstacle for him.

However, it appears that Mr. Ahmadinejad's stance on having a fellow Shi'ite Muslim in his cabinet as well as Supreme Leader Khamenei's recent blind support for the Iranian president has taken priority over this.

No comment has been received from any of the opposition candidates currently.


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