UCLA Taser incident, as if you've heard enough!
Firstly, even though I'm Iranian, I am not biased against the UCPD, but I will say that their actions against this student was stupid, to say the least! Last week, an Iranian-American (Although I think where he was from is hardly a matter) student was tasered at 11:30 at a UCLA library. He believed he was being racially profiled so he was in the process of leaving. OK, he's leaving, get out!
As he was walking out the door, he was confronted by UCPD officers. What happened next, I'm not sure since I don't know the entire story, but he said some things, and then police handcuffed him. There is not a whole lot that you can do when you are handcuffed right? Well, apparently, the police wouldn't think that way and then attached electrodes to his chest. Let's get something clear here: they didn't shoot electrodes onto him like you would when you're trying to immobilise someone with a gun or a weapon, but you actually attach it onto him. If anything, this can be classified as torture, similar to that of Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib.
There is also where the police are threatening around by saying that if anybody comes close, they will also get tasered. That's ok for crowd control, but when you're also having the students demand a badge number for the officer and then getting threatened, that is classified as assault, and you don't need a grade 12 education to know this stuff! For an incident such as this, I would call their bluff and actually phone 911, since they're not real police officers, on this because what they were doing is considered criminal to such a high extent.
Overall, you don't taser someone because they yell obscenities at you and furthermore, you don't taser someone when they are consciously immobilised. The UCPD took such drastic measures against something that could have been very mild and insignificant and has reached this guy typing away at his computer in Toronto! I think that the officers involved should be reprimanded and called to explain their actions before the students and to a greater extent, the world that witnessed this. I also think that this student deserves an apology and some sort of compensation, financial (I don't recommend throwing money at this) or otherwise. This is a heinous crime and the ones who committed should explain for what they did.
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