Saturday, September 02, 2006

Bomb threats, borders, school and some space crashing...

Well, I'm back and where can I start? Well, on Thursday, I ran into a bomb threat with my really good friend, Myck. We just met out of the blue and as we were talking, we discovered that an area of St. George and Bloor was cordoned off. We were scrathing our heads wondering what on earth could be the problem. We found out later that there was a fellow in a taxi cab over on the street claiming to have a bomb. Of course, I took this as paranoia at it's finest. However, after staking out a great vantage point, we were literally 20 metres from the cab, and closer than any other police officer would dare go. We found our refuge within the University of Toronto High School. As we watched, a cameraman from Global TV spotted us and brought his camera in to shoot. With all the hype happening, we really thought that there was seriously a bomb threat. We could hear at least 3 helicopters flying overhead, even though I could only see one. After almost 1.5 hours, we were told by the police that the threat of a bomb is 'imminent' and we had to evacuate the school where we were. We left, and saw a sniper approaching the cab. I seriously thought that this would end in bloodshed. The sniper disappeared around the corner, and we heard a really loud bang, and pigeons flew everywhere. 'That's it', I thought, the standoff was over and they had shot the guy in the cab whom he claimed that he had a bomb. I thought that this was over, but from the very limited view that I had, I saw the police take a black guy and hose him down. It turned out that the police had actually shot tear gas into the cab and then they wrestled him down. It turned out that there was no bomb at all, and that life went back to normal in the end. It was a very interesting sight to see. I got to see the police's little bomb disposal robot thingy, which strangely enough, reminded me of R2D2 of Star Wars fame. All it was missing was a larger golden droid which could have been saying obscenities!

Next order of business, the border, more specifically, the one with the US. Now, my family has US Visas and they want to go to live in the US. Great! Nothing wrong with living in the US, just prepared to get shot when you're in Europe! I'm just kidding! Anyways, we were visiting my cousin in N. Kentucky at the time, and thought it would be a great idea to try and get our Green Cards. When we get to the Detroit-Windsor border, we were surprised at how mean and inhospitable the female border guard was! There were some things we couldn't understand at all since she had such a thick Louisiana accent as well! She questioned us so meticulously and kept twisting our words around that we left angry and disappointed. We tried again this week by going to New York State at the Niagara Falls crossing. Over there, the Customs official was so nice and even shook our hands to welcome us to America. What a great feeling!

Now, final order of business is the upcoming period that dominates 2 (3 if you're not in university) seasons. I'm talking about school. I start university in over a week and with a clean slate of all things! I will be taking a lot of courses that I now like, since I'm in third year and I can choose whatever I desire. I got a lot of great courses, and next week, I won't have a moment's rest since it's that great time in a first year's life known as Frosh Week, and I'm one of the Frosh Week co-ordinators! No rest for the weary, at least for me, since I have just finished summer school and I'll be going back to school soon as well...

Now, as I was writing this blog, I realized that the American and European Space Agencies seem to enjoy crashing their probes into things! I just read on the BBC about the ESA wanting to crash their SMART 1 satellite into the moon, since they want to end it! I think it's all great and NASA did a thing like that last year when crashing a probe into an asteroid, and you should've seen the explosion as well! It seems like space agencies are dying to get attention, and they will crash their multimillion dollar probe into space bodies to be seen! The article can be seen here!


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