Thursday, August 17, 2006

JonBenet Ramsey murderer caught. I hope you parents have learned a lesson...

On my 10th birthday, a little girl in Boulder, Colorado, a long way away from me, was murdered. Why have I heard about this? Simple. The media made a big deal of it because:
#1: She was white, blonde hair, blue eyes and very pretty (without the makeup of course)
#2: Her family was white, upper middle class, two cars in the garage, the real American dream.

JonBenet Ramsey and the rest of her family were victims, but not of a 41 year old school teacher arrested yesterday, but of the media. The media portrayed her as a beauty queen who had won numerous awards the year before, at the age of 6. They portrayed her as a sexual desire by showing all the clips of her walking on stage in cowgirl outfits and all those other things, and as a child too. In my opinion, that's quite disturbing. Her family, more specifically her parents, on the other hand, were portrayed by the media as not the killers, but THE KILLERS; no ifs, ands, or buts.

I have been conditioned by the media for the great majority of my life, but I'm starting to see things as more than black and white in the way that the media paint the picture. I remember watching the news programs on Fox (I shudder about it now) and MSNBC after the murders, when they were interviewing absolutely everybody in the town from the district attorney to the guy who delivers the mail to their house. When I think about it now, why weren't they covering the murder of someone else in this sort of light? I guess hindsight is 20/20.

Another point that I would like to put is putting a 6 year old in a beauty pageant. Now, I have my opinions about beauty pageants, but when you put a child, not even at the age to go out on a saturday night with her friends, on a stage with a boatload of makeup and hair gel and all that other stuff on them, they're bound to become an object of desire to pedophiles. Parents, you can only protect your children so much. Also, hasn't it occured to you that child beauty queens, or beauty queens in general tend to come from higher income families, so therefore, they would live in a more spacious house? That, therefore, gives advantage to the rapist who wants to get in, complete the deed and get out.

Anyways, maybe this guy is the person who killed her and maybe he isn't, but I would rather see a stick thin, petite, 20 something woman at a beauty pageant rather than a small, 6 year old girl. When you're 6 years old and a girl, you're supposed to be at school and try to give cooties to all the boys in your class!


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