Saturday, September 09, 2006

Frosh WEEK!!!!!

It was FROSH WEEK!!!! The upside, I wasn't a froshie! I was a leader, somewhere I belong! I'm a Behind the Scenes Leader, that's where the actual leading is! I was working for the SAC, while the froshes were at their respective colleges and were having fun doing their own thing. I was working for the SAC to prepare for the grand finale in which all the colleges come together and parade through the streets of Toronto and hold up rush hour traffic on a very beautiful and sunny friday afternoon. This was better than my frosh week for two reasons: I'm dying to lead, never to follow; and I know people this time and we all got together and had our own fun! Ian and I had the *ahem* honour to lead the University College people along with Ian's girlfriend from Western. During the parade, the official photographer for Blue Crew, a really nice guy named Faraz, joined us and snapped many photos of the parade, including many of me holding the sign for University College and wearing the skin tight SAC shirt (Remind me to express my displeasure to SAC later on!).

Of course, there was so much more than this SAC parade at the university. Ian and I got paid big money to post posters for the Metric concert all over and anywhere on campus simply to get rid of them all. I was actually surprised that there were people who knew what Metric was and for that matter, like Metric as well! I had never heard of Metric until we had to put up all those posters! What surprised me more is that people wanted those posters and took them from Ian and me, which was a good thing since I didn't want to post up 2000+ posters all over campus, but we did anyways! That was the little bit of me that didn't lead, but followed, on my own terms though.

Finally, I have thoroughly enjoyed being Blue Crew and will do it again in a heartbeat. There are volunteering hours, but I never needed them in the first place but I'll still hang around and do more stuff! I thought that my only job in university would be studying and studying some more with no opportunity to get involved. Well, this year, I have become totally involved and I have made many many many new friends from all over. University is turning out to be the most interesting experience for me so far, until other things come around!


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