I impress even myself...
I applied for a job at Air Canada and got a call for an interview. I went yesterday for it. They said that they would give a general knowledge test, and in order to pass, you needed a 60% on it. I was afraid, because when I would need to pass, I would only need a 50%, and this one had the ante upped! I wasn't afraid because I was dumb, I was afraid because I was overconfident. So, test time came, and to start things off, they gave us a list of cities and corresponding airport codes, and given five minutes to memorize it. I fell asleep halfway through the memory test, because I've been to the many airports that were on the test!
The math questions were the best! I wish my finals had those types of questions! There were a lot of percentage questions, multiplication, and other types of questions. I flew through the test and finished in 20 minutes! I had to wait a further 40 minutes until the time was up. That was easy!
Next came the application process. Seeing as to how I'm technically a visible minority, I put myself as a visible minority, and in order to increase my chances of getting hired, I put myself as having a working knowledge of French.
That was a bad idea!
Why did I say it was a bad idea? Simply because I haven't taken French since Grade 10 (Almost 5 years) and when it came time for the language test, the interviewer, I think, didn't like me. The test was 5 minutes long, and for 1 minute, she asked some biographical information in English, then for the next 4 minutes, she spoke French with me! I was able to respond back, somehow, and she passed me on my ability to speak French! That was impressive, and I would never want to do that again!
At the end came the interview, and I think they liked me, just a matter of time to see if they'll respond...